Whether in you are just poppin' out with some friends or going on a trip or
just simple day to day life; these 5 things make life with pills a lot easier. 🎉💁‍♀️

So for my medication regimen I have to take it 3x a day and make sure I've fasted before and after each pill. Not only that but my pills have to stay refrigerated… so idk about you, but this was life altering for me. I had to start traveling with ice packs. My eating schedule had to be tweaked a lot cause yes I am a snacker! And I am not ashamed! Not to mention for best results you should space the pills evenly throughout the day and take them at the same time every day… sigh🤦‍♀️ The only thing I knew for sure was I needed help! From alarms to traveling devices to water bottles all had to be considered and some had to go through a couple iterations before I got it right.


First up the Alarms… Ok let's be honest taking a pill 3 separate times a day is kind of a lot and remembering is even harder. So obvious choice, set an alarm, weeellll… I'm not gonna lie remembering what said alarm was for when it would go off was also hard. 🙄🤗 Ok don't laugh! … Ok you can laugh a little 😉 but seriously at first I set an alarm for the pills themselves well that is great and all but I would forget to fast or even remember what time I stopped eating lol. So then I set another group of alarms to tell me to stop eating so I can take my pill in 2hrs. Needless to say I would start to forget which alarm was which. And sometimes, just for fun, I would switch half the alarms around and not the others cause I wanted one more little snack lol… This system did not last long.

The Migraine Buddy Appto the rescue! It allows you to set all you pill alarms and has a bright blue reminder bar that shows up in your notifications plus an alert when it's your time to take your pill. Game changer let me tell you… as long as I dont dismiss it before I've actually taken my pill. Now as for remembering the fasting part… well that just came with time and I still don't always get it right.🙄

Daily Pill Organizers

Next up on the list is Pill Organizers. Now I went through a really dark period of not having idea how many of these expensive little babies I had taken on any given day. I was obviously at the beginning of my chelation life was a lot more fuzzy then. But then I realized I could get a little pill organizer to put in the fridge and fill each with 3 pills. No more guessing!!!

Obviously the lil blue guy gets a lot of use… probably should consider getting a new one lol

The Thrifty Traveling Pill Case.

These number 3 on our list and they are just upcycled mini mint tins that I now use as pill cases for my day trips or quick outings and they fit nicely inside of our #4 Tip ……..drum roll please🥁

The Mini Cooler


So the one on the left is the "cost effective" baby bottle cooler bag. And the one on the right is the renowned Yeti rambler 20oz. and my personal fav. The baby bottle cooler does fine in a pinch, but doesn't keep the pills as cold as I'd like or for as long as I'd like. While the Yeti, for an extra 10ish dollars, does an amazing job of keeping my pills nice and chilly. If you doubt it's worth, YouTube it; seriously the thing is a BEAST!🦁🐯

Water Bottle

Last but not least the Memo Bottle cause I can't tell you how many times I find myself without a good source of water when out and about. While single use plastic water bottles are destroying the earth after use or taking up awkward space in your bag these lovely ladies are sleek and reusable! Not to mention incredibly convenient if you have a good filtration system at home.

"Every memobottle™ sold provides one person with two months' access to clean water." Memobottle.com

Not only do they care about the environment, but they also care about their fellow man! who wouldn't want to help support a company like this?

Never forget to keep living a life worth fighting for!❤🥊