Smash Bros Ultimate World of Light Kirby Again

This article is nigh Kirby'southward appearance in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. For other uses, see Kirby.
" Kirby's power to re-create fighters is totally unique! While he is low-cal and can be launched easily, he tin also jump up to five times in the air, so he has great recovery. Look for his new Stone transformation, too. "
—Description from the Super Smash Blog.

Kirby is a veteran fighter in Super Nail Bros. Ultimate, first playable in Super Smash Bros. He was confirmed to render on June 12, 2018 during E3 2018, and is the first protagonist of World of Calorie-free. His fighter number is #half dozen.


  • i Attributes
    • one.i Strengths
    • 1.2 Weaknesses
  • 2 Summary
  • 3 Changes from SSBWU/3DS
    • 3.1 Aesthetics
    • iii.2 Attributes
    • 3.iii Ground Attacks
    • 3.four Aerial Attacks
    • 3.v Grabs and Throws
  • four Misc
    • Special Attacks
  • 5 Moveset
    • Basis Attacks
      • Normal
      • Boom Attacks
      • v.1.3 Other attacks
    • 5.ii Aerial Attacks
    • 5.three Grabs and Throws
    • five.four Special Moves
    • five.v Taunts*
    • 5.six On-Screen Appearance
    • 5.vii Idle Poses
    • 5.viii Victory Poses
  • 6 In competitive play
  • seven Classic Mode: Gourmet Clash
  • 8 In Spirit Battles
    • viii.i As the Main Opponent
    • eight.2 As a Minion
  • nine Role in World of Calorie-free
  • 10 Palette Swaps
  • 11 Gallery
  • 12 Trivia
  • 13 External links



  • Fantabulous recovery, with 6 jumps, tied with Jigglypuff and Meta Knight.
  • Small hitbox makes him difficult to striking.
  • Very low crouch.
  • Slightly higher up-boilerplate nuance speed.
  • Can do Up Tilt combos on fast-falling characters at low percents.
  • Has two Sex Kicks with Neutral Aerial and Dorsum Aerial.
  • Inhale allows him to copy the opponent'due south Neutral Special, granting him versatility and helping to embrace weaknesses.
  • Both Hammer Flip and Final Cutter have Transcending Priority in their hitboxes.
  • Hammer Flip can lead to low percentage KO'southward if fully charged. Information technology also inflicts considerable shield damage.
  • Final Cutter grants him an additional spring and a projectile, being likewise a decent tool for combos.
  • Stone has stiff Super Armor and invincibility frames at the beginning, and inflicts considerable shield harm. Information technology cannot exist cancelled past opponents, allowing easy hits on enemies below you and tin can exist manually cancelled in mid-air to confuse enemies.
  • Down Aerial and the second hit of Final Cutter tin can both Meteor Smash.


  • Light, making him easy to KO.
  • Poor defense force against projectiles.
  • Very low multijump height.
  • Somewhat weak neutral attacks, making it hard to launch opponents. He besides has limited KO moves.
  • Very slow air speed and falling speed.
  • Low range on most attacks.
  • Predictable and linear recovery.
  • Low priority on many attacks.
  • Very few moves that are rubber on shield.
  • Hammer Flip deals recoil damage to Kirby the longer information technology is charged afterwards reaching full charge. It is also very predictable and has considerable lag.


Kirby is known for being a small lightweight, as he is tied for the eighth-lightest character in the game. Much similar in his home series, Kirby is a irksome, yet floaty character:possessing the 26th slowest walking speed, 33rd fastest dashing speed, 37th slowest initial dash, the 5th slowest air speed, 15th highest air acceleration, 3rd everyman gravity, the fifth lowest falling and fast falling speeds, and above boilerplate traction. Due to these statistics, Kirby'south approach is easily ane of the poorest, making it easily exploitable. That said, Kirby's recovery is rather versatile in spite of his slow air speed and low jump elevation, equally his five midair jumps, tiresome falling speed, long vertical airdodge, and Final Cutter's decent distance give him adept stalling capabilities and decent safety.

Kirby'southward greatest strengths are his fast frame data, high philharmonic potential, and the versatility of his moveset overall. The bulk of Kirby'due south attacks are characterized by their speed: his tilts are amid the fastest in the game, while his slowest moves instead boast high ability as a trade-off, while even so being quite fast for their power. Neutral Attack and forrard tilt are fast and have adequate range, allowing Kirby to quickly distance himself from his opponents, with the latter beingness used for tech chase setups. Up tilt'due south low knockback and high speed allow it to be a combo starter, that leads into multiple moves (like itself, an aerial attack, or Inhale). Down tilt may take low ability, just its very fast and launches opponents at the Sakurai angle, which allows it to trip nigh opponents even over 80%,which can lead to follow ups with a variety of attacks (a dash attack, take hold of, or forward boom). Nuance assail'southward early on striking is excellent for punishing and KOing (able to do so to opponents starting at 90%), while the late hit can set up into an Inhale. His nail attacks have good range, high power, and great speed, making them excellent kill options. Kirby's pocket-sized hitbox and very low hunker allows him to avoid almost all grabs and several attacks. Overall, he has an first-class ground and defensive game cheers to his quick frame information and evasive crouch, requiring opponents to be careful when approaching him in a neutral stage.

The usefulness of Kirby'southward ground game likewise extends to his take hold of game. Though defective in range, they are amidst the fastest, while his pummel'south depression damage output is counterbalanced by its very fast speed. His forward throw has actual combo potential every bit opposed to its counerparts, leading into aerials from low to mid percentages. Back throw tin be followed up by a back aeriform at 0% on certain characters, is a kill confirm at high percents, and tin send opponents offstage. Up throw is the strongest throw in Kirby's kit, able to KO nearly all characters around 170% (or even before if it lands on a platform). Lastly, downwardly throw is reliable for racking up damage when the other throws fail to perform.

Kirby's air game is likewise notable in spite of his poor air speed; again due to the versatility of his aerial attacks. Neutral aerial has a long-lasting hitbox, high knockback on the clean hit, very low landing lag, and good coverage, making it a safe landing selection. The weak hitting of neutral air tin can atomic number 82 into tilts, grab, or fifty-fifty a nail attack. It can also exist used as a combo finisher and tin be used every bit a KO motility at high percents. Due to the move lasting longer compared to the other aerials, information technology can safely utilize shield pressure level. Forward aerial is a powerful combo tool that tin also pressure shields, be used as a respectable kill confirm, and its commencement ii hits tin allow boosted follow-ups due to its low landing lag. Up aerial has skilful vertical knockback, low landing lag and a fairly quick auto-cancel window, allowing for many potential follow-ups and even ko opponents when near the upper blast zone. Back aeriform has decent range, high knockback on the clean hit, and is the fastest of the 5 aerials, making information technology one of his strongest options overall. Lastly, down aerial has considerable startup, but has multiple hits that drag opponents downward earlier the concluding hit meteor smashes them and has low ending lag, making information technology a deceptively powerful edgeguarding tool as well equally a reliable combo starter with follow-ups on grounded opponents.

Kirby'southward special moves tin provide some unique strengths. Inhale is his nearly notable example: it allows Kirby to copy an opponents' neutral special or spit them out every bit a weight-dependent Star Bullet. Depending on what graphic symbol he inhales, the copy ability can give Kirby a move that helps him in matchups to various degrees, from useful projectiles to counter-camp his opponent (e.g. Sheik'sNeedle Tempest, Charge Shot from Samus or Dark Samus, Blaster from Wolf), to powerful punish options (e.yard. Donkey Kong's Giant Dial, Sonic'due south Homing Attack), a reflector (Zelda'south Nayru's Dearest), or other benefits (e.g. Shulk's Monado Arts). In addition, Kirby'due south version of the opponent'due south neutral special has a 1.2x harm multiplier. Kirby can also inhale projectiles in this game; smaller projectiles will be swallowed, allowing him to heal himself, while larger ones (such every bit a fully-charged Accuse Shot) can exist stored in his mouth and spat out, essentially giving Kirby a pseudo-reflector. The spat projectiles can exist used to punish opponents at mid-range and can launch them abroad with high knockback. Inhale tin can also be used to Kirbycide or spit the opponent out offstage, although the opponent tin escape by mashing. Hammer Flip is very powerful, peculiarly when fully charged, and Kirby can move and jump while charging. However, much like the power the move is puled from, it is very slow, and its high startup and endlag, along with its short range and Kirby's already-sluggish movement beingness further slowed when charging, makes it difficult to land outside of certain specific situations(similar Falcon Punch). Concluding Cutter is his chief recovery move, granting adept vertical distance, likewise as a disjoint in forepart of him during his ascent and descent. It also emits a shockwave projectile upon landing, making it difficult to punish if the opponent is not behind Kirby. Lastly, Rock causes Kirby to turn into an object and ignore up to 25% harm, and is also a strong assail that tin crush foes, specially in the air, and tin can be canceled shortly later on Kirby begins his descent, although these benefits are limited by its slow startup and ending lag, and Kirby is still vulnerable to grabs while transformed.

Kirby'due south virtually notable flaw, yet, is his poor arroyo. Characters who have high mobility or who can army camp with projectiles (e.g. Samus, Mii Gunner, Nighttime samus)tin wall out Kirby as the lack of reliable burst options in Kirby's kit makes his approach in these matchups problematic and occasionally anticipated. In add-on, characters with long disjointed hitboxes (e.yard.Ike, Marth) tin can outrange and wall out Kirby since his range is very short relative to the balance of the cast. Although Final Cutter'southward projectile has decent range and moves quickly, it has a somewhat slow startup, and outside of this, he lacks other projectiles outside of spitting inhaled projectiles/opponents, or from a re-create ability. This requires conscientious use to avoid penalisation. Despite having corking air acceleration, Kirby's air speed is likewise besides slow for him to take advantage of it(like Jigglypuff), hindering his aeriform approach and recovery despite possessing v midair jumps. Kirby also has several KO moves, but some can be hard to land without a setup due to their short range. Rage worsens these problems equally Kirby volition be launched even further by a high-impairment opponent, and his low weight means he will sometimes non survive long enough to take reward of his own rage.

In addition, Kirby also has poor endurance. Although his light and floaty physics can assistance him escape combos from other characters, this besides means he risks getting KOed earlier. He is also vulnerable to juggling, due to his same slow falling and air speeds, imposing a gamble in any airborne approach, while also preventing Kirby'southward aerials from beingness used effectively when in a disadvantage state, ofttimes forcing him to rely on his jumps, Stone, or neutral aerial to escape and return to the ground or ledge.

Overall, Kirby is rather inconsistent: he can inflict an impressive amount of damage if he gets close to his opponent thanks to his excellent frame information and potent combo game, nut that is assuming he could practise and then due to how challenging for him due to his poor approach. Every bit such, Kirby functions well with a bait-and-punish playstyle, although Kirby being unprepared for an opponent's approach tin exist dangerous due to his low survivability.

Changes from SSBWU/3DS

Well-nigh the end of Smash 4'southward metagame, Kirby had been considered a low-tier character in the game'south most recent tier list (50th out of 55), due to a combination of his lackluster attributes and underwhelming moveset (although it has power). Kirby has been both buffed and nerfed in the transition to Ultimate; merely although he was noticeably buffed overall, especially compared to the game'due south initial release, many of his changes to gameplay mechanics were also a mixed pocketbook.

Kirby's buffs lie in the increased utility of his moveset as a whole, with overall improved frame information and KO ability on his finishers. The first 2 hits of his neutral attack tin can now lock, and the looping hits connect into the opponent much more reliably (though they are weaker); forward tilt is a stronger neutral option and KO motility due to its reduced endlag and its increased knockback; dash attack has been by and large reverted back to the Burning set on from Melee, but it is significantly stronger, dealing much more harm and knockback, and has less startup compared to Break Spin, tin can cantankerous-up on shields, covers more altitude, and is more reliable for catching opponents thanks to only consisting of one, long-lasting hitting. These changes go far a stronger punish tool and a much more versatile motion overall than Break Spin. His smash attacks are likewise stronger punish options: forwards smash has an increased range, up smash has reduced start-up, and down blast regained its semi-spike bending that makes it better for edgeguarding, similarly to one of its hitboxes in Brawl; all three as well have improved KO power, with forward and upwardly smash dealing more knockback, and downwardly smash KOing earlier at the border due to its lower angle (and despite its reduced knockback). Many of Kirby'south attacks, such equally up tilt and all his aerials except for up aerial besides have more range, partially reducing i of his weaknesses from SSB4.

The universal reduction to landing lag has as well exponentially benefitted his aerials, which already had among the everyman landing lag in SSB4; his aerials are not but safer, but now capable of leading into followups: for example, forrard aeriform'southward commencement ii hits at present can follow up into forrad boom. Notably, his neutral and up aerials -the erstwhile being one of his most situational attacks-, are now faster, bargain more than knockback-at present Nair's clean hit is one of the strongest neutral aerials in Ultimate and fair had some of its lost KO power restored from Melee. Both also take less ending lag, making them much improve overall; neutral aeriform besides has more range, and up aerial deals higher impairment which further improves its ability. As for his special moves, Inhale has been significantly buffed with faster startup, less ending lag, a much longer grace catamenia in which Kirby cannot lose his Copy Ability, a lower probability of losing said ability subsequently this menstruum has ended, and a new i.2× multiplier to his copied neutral special compared to his opponent (albeit without a corresponding increase to knockback), giving him a greater incentive and a higher reward from inhaling opponents. Furthermore, he (and Male monarch Dedede) can now eat the projectiles he swallows to heal themselves (and store certain ones in his mouth as well, enabling him to spit them out equally stars). Hammer Flip at present renders Kirby virtually-impossible to stop for a longer time as long as he'due south grounded; Final Cutter is faster and its landing striking is much more powerful, which improves its utility; and Stone's aerial variant now has super armor during its startup, making it more difficult to interrupt Kirby out of the attack, as in previous Nail games he could be interrupted even when he fully transformed.

Yet, Kirby has also received several noteworthy nerfs. The most notable were to his already below-average grab game: his already mediocre grab range has been weakened, nearly notably on his pivot grab, and forrad throw has him jump up higher after the throw, which runs the risk of possibly landing on top of a soft platform and preventing all follow-ups when information technology happens too early on (although following up with neutral aerial or upwards aeriform tin can somewhat remedy this), while back throw has lost most of its combo setups due to changes to the blitheness. Altogether, this grants Kirby a less effective combo game off of his grabs overall. Other nerfs include Stone no longer hitting shielding opponents twice, which reduces its shield pressure considerably; back aerial deals less knockback, although the clean hit now lasts for slightly longer to recoup; and downwards aerial, one of his nigh reliable philharmonic starters in SSB4, has more range on the looping hits, simply slightly less on the terminal hit and is less advantageous on landing due to the removal of frame canceling, reducing the effectiveness of its follow-ups since its landing lag was not reduced enough to recoup properly. Furthermore, he nonetheless retains many of the same issues that plagued him in SSB4, with mediocre range, sluggish aerial mobility and a high susceptibility to being camped.

The changes to gameplay mechanics both assistance and hinder Kirby. The revamped air contrivance mechanics have significantly improved his innate ability to edgeguard opponents more than effectively, and directional air dodges take also given him a secondary recovery pick, only this besides makes him more susceptible to juggling and edgeguarding too, due to his short-ranged aerials and predictable landing options. The changes to downward velocity KOing opponents faster from the bottom blast line now render Last Cutter as a significantly more than deadly edgeguarding and sacrificial KO option, further improving its utility. The increased shieldstun and increased startup on shield grabbing notably benefits Kirby'due south safe on hit, due to his moves' natural high harm and low ending lag, making him harder to go off and punish accordingly. Conversely, the changes to grabs' catastrophe lag brand Kirby'due south own grab riskier to throw out, as their catastrophe lag tin can prove more punishable. The increase in mobility is a mixed bag for Kirby, as while his mobility has improved overall relative to the bandage (most notably his aeriform mobility), his issues with camping from the previous incarnation remain, exhibited with the increased prevalence of zoners. Overall, the two lattermost changes have resulted in his range issues existence even more than pronounced than in SSB4, but the changed mechanics have also granted him additional edgeguarding tools and an improved defensive game.

Overall, Kirby's changes now render his punish game much more deadly, make him much harder to milk shake off once he gains the advantage, and allow him to seal stocks at much more varied percentages, but the universal changes to the game's engine have made information technology slightly easier for opponents to continue him away and have rendered said punishment game slightly more inconsistent. Every bit a result, he has again having earned some representation in all levels of competitive play with players such as Komota, Jesuischoq, and Ferretkuma innovating his gameplay. Due to his somewhat rare tournament results at top levels of play, yet, his perception in Ultimate'due south competitive scene has been somewhat negative much similar in the previous game, as a number of players view Kirby around the aforementioned vein as in SSB4. On the other manus, several game updates take handed Kirby a myriad of buffs (most notably update half dozen.0.0 in recent times), which has caused other players to annotation the improvements and rank him higher. In the end, Kirby's overall viability remains questionable.


  • Kirby's appearance is largely the aforementioned every bit it was in the previous game, though his model features a more subdued colour scheme. His feet take a pinkish tint, and his blush marks are slightly blurred. These changes make Kirby more than closely resemble his appearance in recent Kirby games.
  • Like many other characters, Kirby is more expressive, both with his confront and his movement.
  • Some of Kirby's animations, peculiarly his dash and initial leap, have been tweaked to closer resemble his appearance from Kirby'due south Return to Dream Land onward.
  • One of Kirby'southward voice clips when taking loftier knockback has been changed to his alternate KO sound from Smash 4.
    • As a issue, he gains a new KO clip, which sounds similar to one of his unused high knockback voice clips from Ball.
    • Kirby'south unused impairment yell from Nail 4 is used when he takes medium knockback.
  • Kirby's on-screen appearance has a more than intense, peppery explosion than in previous games. The large, cartoony stars that announced have been removed, and while the sparkle effects are still present, they have been drastically toned downwardly. All in all, it more closely resembles how it appeared in Smash 64
  • Up taunt has been shortened, with Kirby striking the catastrophe pose without dancing commencement. The pose itself has been tweaked; Kirby raises ane of his feet ( which resembles the pose he makes when gaining an ability in his games).
  • Kirby smiles during his side taunt.
  • Kirby's victory poses have been modified. Ii new dances are used, one with Kirby waving his arms and breakdancing, and another with Kirby moonwalking and sliding, both based off of Kirby's Return to Dream Country and ending in a unique pose. Kirby too splits into three split up Kirbys when not in squad battles, referencing his dwelling house serial. This is the first and only game to take Kirby'southward victory poses finish differently.
    • Kirby's idle pose at the end of his victory blitheness is more animated, with a gentle squash-and-stretch consequence leading to a more rubbery feeling.
    • Kirby faces frontward instead of away when "wiggling" in one of his victory poses.
  • When Kirby gains a new Copy Ability, he briefly poses similar he does in his home series. This blitheness tin can be canceled.
  • Some Copy Power hats take been inverse.
    • His Samus helmet has a fully opaque visor, equally it was in Super Smash Bros.
    • His Captain Falcon helmet has triangular eyes, and the visor is opaque as in Super Smash Bros.
    • Unlike Smash iv, his Jigglypuff cap matches his costume color, as in previous games up to Brawl.
    • His Zelda cap has been changed from the wimple she wore as a child in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to a hairstyle matching her new A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds-inspired look.
    • His Ganondorf cap is consistent with Ganondorf'south Ocarina of Time appearance, effectively reverting to its design in Melee.
    • His Ike cap uses the hairstyle from his Path of Radiance design, like Brawl.
    • His Wolf cap matches Wolf'southward Star Flim-flam Nix-based appearance.
    • His Robin cap, upon exhausting the Thunder tome, will disappear like it does in all other cases, instead of just disappearing with no animation.
  • Kirby's Boxing Ring alias has been changed to "The Pinkish Demon", a direct translation of the Japanese championship, for consistency with its appearance in Kirby: Planet Robobot.


  • Like all characters, Kirby'south jumpsquat takes 3 frames to complete (downwards from 4).
  • Kirby runs faster (1.57 → 1.727).
  • His initial dash is noticeably faster (i.5 → one.9).
  • Kirby walks faster (0.93 → 0.977).
  • Kirby's air speed is slightly faster (0.eight → 0.84).
  • Kirby'due south traction is much college (0.0493 → 0.116), going from beneath average to being tied for the 17th highest, making easier for him to punish out of shield.
  • The changes to taunt interruptibility benefit Kirby more than whatsoever other returning veteran, as he can act quicker subsequently discarding a Copy Ability.
  • Forward whorl grants less intangibility (frames 4-17 → iv-xv).
  • Back roll has more startup with less intangibility (frames iv-17 → 5-16), and more catastrophe lag (FAF 31 → 36).
  • Air contrivance grants more intangibility (frames three-27 → 3-29).
  • Air dodge has significantly more ending lag (FAF 33 → 63), being tied with Rosalina for the second slowest air dodge in the game duration-wise, only behind Jigglypuff.

Ground Attacks

  • Neutral attack:
    • Neutral set on'due south offset and second hits have altered angles (55° → 361°/180° (striking 1), 70° → 361° (hit two)) and knockback (8 base of operations/30 scaling → 20 base/25/20 scaling (hit 1), 15/thirty → 25/15 (hit 2)) to keep opponents close to Kirby, akin to other neutral attacks. This allows them to jab lock, and noticeably improves their previously poor linking ability.
    • The first hitting has less startup lag (frame 3 → 2), with its full elapsing reduced as well (FAF 16 → 15).
    • The second hit transitions faster into the infinite (frame 8 → five) and has a lower SDI multiplier (i× → 0.three×), although with a slightly college hitlag multiplier (one× → one.ii×).
    • The infinite has shorter gaps betwixt hits (4 frames → two), a consistent angle (55°/68°/80° → 361°), a lower hitlag multiplier (1× → 0.v×) and SDI multiplier (1× → 0.iv×), and deals less knockback (6/iv/2 base/100 scaling → seven base/35 scaling). This allows it to connect more than reliably and makes information technology much harder to escape.
    • The infinite's finisher has less startup (frame 5 → 3) and ending lag (FAF 51 → 40).
    • The finisher deals more damage (ii% → three%) and launches at a lower angle (45° → 361°), with knockback not fully compensated (80 base/120 scaling → 70/115), improving its KO potential.
    • All hits except the finisher deal less harm (2% → 1.8% (striking 1), 3% → 1.6% (hit 2), 1% → 0.2% (space)).
    • The first hit has a higher hitlag multiplier (one× → 1.7×), giving opponents more fourth dimension to SDI information technology.
    • The 2d striking and each hit of the space have a shorter hitbox duration (2 frames → 1), and the latter as well has i frame more startup (frame vi → 7), although this is compensated by its faster transition from the second hitting.
    • The finisher has smaller hitboxes overall (four.5u/half-dozen.5u/5.5u → 5u/5u/5u).
    • The finisher has a much higher hitlag multiplier (1× → 3×), making it easier to DI after SDIing the infinite.
    • The infinite has gained a shieldstun multiplier of vii×. This allows it to lock opponents into their shields between each hit, and thus pressure them more effectively, but also allows them to abolish shieldstun and punish Kirby more than easily if they shield 10 hits or more.
    • Kirby's punching mitt disappears during his rapid jab; instead, the visual effects have been made thicker.
  • Forward tilt:
    • Forward tilt has less ending lag (FAF 28 → 24). Combined with the increased shieldstun for ground attacks, this makes it much safer on shield.
    • Information technology has much more than base knockback (12 → forty), improving its KO potential.
  • Up tilt:
    • Upward tilt'south closest hitbox is larger (4u → iv.8u), slightly surpassing the late hit in Brawl.
    • The belatedly hit and foot intangibility last one more frame (frames 6-9 → 6-10), matching its duration from Brawl.
    • It has less base knockback (40 → 30/26 (clean), 26 (late)) and more knockback scaling (116 → 132/125 (clean), 110 → 130/119 (late)), allowing information technology to philharmonic better into his aerials from low to mid percents, while likewise improving its KO potential at very high percents.
    • The hitbox at the tip of Kirby'due south human foot launches at a slightly dissimilar bending (100° → 98° (clean), 88° → 86° (late)).
  • Down tilt:
    • Due to the increased traction beyond the bandage, opponents do non slide back as much upon tripping from down tilt, improving its reliability for starting combos.
    • It has more than knockback scaling (thirty → 43), causing it to end tripping opponents sooner, just improving its philharmonic potential at higher percents if it doesn't trip due to the aforementioned change.
  • Dash assail:
    • Dash set on has reverted to its Melee iteration, where Kirby does a flaming tackle identical to the Burning copy ability from his home series, although it does not drib him off edges.
    • It hits just in one case instead of half-dozen times, possessing a clean hit, mid hit and late striking. This makes information technology more reliable overall than the previous nuance attack, which could sometimes miss its last striking due to the looping hits' poor linking ability.
    • It propels Kirby a much further distance forward, increasing its range.
    • Information technology has less startup lag with its hitboxes active fully throughout (frames 12, 15, xix, 24, thirty, 35-37 → nine-17 (make clean)/18-26 (mid)/27-34 (tardily)).
      • However, the total elapsing has not been fully compensated, giving it one frame more ending lag despite the shorter total elapsing (FAF 54 → 52).
    • It has larger hitboxes (3.5u/iii.5u/3.3u (hits i-five), 3u (hitting 6) → 5u (clean), 3.5u (mid & late)).
    • It has lower hitlag multipliers (2× → 1.3× (clean)/1× (mid)/0.eight× (belatedly)). In combination with its faster startup and consisting of a unmarried hit, this makes it harder to DI.
    • The make clean hit deals more damage (1% (hits one-five), four% (hit 6); 9% total → 12%), with knockback non fully compensated (100 base/70 scaling → 82/71), and launches at a more horizontal angle (65° → 46°). This turns it into a much stronger finisher, KOing opponents at around 160% from center stage and 105% near edges, compared to existence unable to KO nether 280% regardless of horizontal positioning.
    • The mid and late hits deal more damage than the previous dash set on's last hit (4% → 9% (mid), half dozen% (late)), and the former launches at a higher angle (65° → 76°), assuasive it to KO slightly earlier despite its lower knockback values (100 base of operations/70 scaling → 80/50).
    • The tardily hit deals much less knockback (100 base of operations/70 scaling → 80/50), hindering its KO potential despite launching at a higher bending (65° → 76°).
  • Frontward smash:
    • Frontward smash'south clean hit deals more than knockback (xxx base/102 scaling → 32/109), improving its KO potential.
    • Kirby lunges further frontwards, giving it more range.
    • It deals more than damage when angled down (14% → 15% (make clean), ten% → eleven% (late)).
    • It deals less impairment when angled up (16% → 15% (make clean), 12% → eleven% (tardily)), although the clean hit is even so slightly stronger than in Smash 4 due to its higher knockback values.
    • The clean hit has a higher hitlag multiplier (1× → ane.ii×), making information technology easier to DI.
    • Information technology has a unlike startup animation: Kirby pulls back before executing a thrust kick instead of performing a spin first, resembling Nail Kick, one of Smash Bros. Kirby'southward attacks in Kirby: Planet Robobot.
  • Up smash:
    • Up nail has less startup (frame 14 → 12), with its leg intangibility frames moved accordingly (frames 14-xix → 12-17) and its total duration reduced (FAF 48 → 46).
    • The clean hit has a longer duration, with the tardily hit having a shorter duration instead (frame 14 (clean)/15-16 (mid)/17-19 (late) → 12-14/fifteen-16/17). This improves its utility as an anti-air, every bit the clean hit remains agile when the hitboxes go above Kirby.
    • The clean striking deals more knockback (33/30 base/104/99 scaling → 36 base/104 scaling), improving its KO potential.
    • The mid hit'southward sourspot (12% → 13%) and late striking (12%/xi% → 13%/12%) bargain more than harm.
  • Down smash:
    • Down blast launches at a semi-spike angle like its foot hitboxes in Melee and Brawl (69° → 29°), significantly improving its edgeguarding ability and allowing it to KO earlier near edges.
    • It has less startup lag (frame 10 → 7) with its total elapsing reduced as well (FAF 54 → 51).
    • It has much less knockback scaling (110 → 94), hindering its KO potential from center phase and across the stage.

Aerial Attacks

  • All of his aerials take less ending lag (10 frames → vi (neutral), 13 → 8 (forward), 17 → 10 (back), 12 → 7 (upwardly), 17 → sixteen (down).
  • Neutral aerial:
    • Neutral aerial has less startup (frame x → 8) and significantly less ending lag (FAF 73 → 53).
    • The clean hit deals significantly more than knockback (thirty base/90 scaling → 35/117), assuasive it to KO reliably at effectually 150% from eye stage.
    • All hitboxes are bigger (8u → 9u (clean), 7u → 8u (mid), 6u → 7u (mid-to-late), 5u → 6u (late)).
    • Information technology machine-cancels earlier (frame 56 → 51).
  • Forward aerial:
    • Forward aerial'south beginning hitting launches at a higher angle (45°/80° → 53°/84°) and deals less knockback (35 base of operations/l scaling → 43/39 (close), 35/38 (far)), allowing it to connect into the second hitting more reliably.
    • The first and second hits have lower hitlag (1× → 0.8×) and SDI multipliers (1× → 0.five×), making them harder to escape.
    • The first and third hits have larger hitboxes (four.3u/iv.3u → 5u/iv.4u (hit one), 4.9u → five.1u (hit 3)), with the latter extending further horizontally (Z starting time: 8u-12u → 7u-13u) and vertically (Y offset: three.9u-4.2u → 3u-iv.2u), improving their range.
    • Due to its reduced landing lag, and forrad smash's improved range and knockback, the get-go striking has gained a KO setup into information technology at high percents.
    • The second striking extends farther outwards (Z offset: 8u-12u → 7u-13u) and beneath Kirby (Y commencement: 3.7u-four.2u → 2.8u-four.1u), improving its horizontal range, and allowing information technology to striking short or crouching characters, fifty-fifty in a rising brusque hop.
    • The second and 3rd hit deal more damage (iii% → four% (hit 2), 5% → 6% (striking 3).
    • The third hitting has a longer duration (frames 25-26 → 25-27).
  • Back aerial:
    • Back aerial has larger hitboxes (4u → 4.5u (clean), 3.4u → 3.5u (late)), and they extend further horizontally (Z offset: 7u-x.5u → 6u-13u (clean), 7u-10u → 6u-11u (belatedly)), noticeably improving its range.
    • The clean hit has a longer duration (frames 6-7 → 6-8).
    • The clean hit has slightly less base knockback (20 → 15), hindering its KO potential.
    • The clean hit has a higher hitlag multiplier (i× → 1.2×), making information technology easier to DI.
    • The late hit has a shorter duration (frames 8-14 → 9-12).
  • Upward aeriform:
    • Upwards aerial has less startup (frame ten → eight), less ending lag (FAF forty → 36), and car-cancels earlier (frame 22 → 20).
    • Information technology deals more than harm (ix% → 10%) and has noticeably more than knockback scaling (100 → 115), greatly improving its KO ability, without worsening its philharmonic ability due to its reduced lag.
  • Down aeriform:
    • Down aerial's looping hits bargain more impairment (i% → i.3%, total: 7% → 8.5%), with knockback scaling compensated (107 → 100).
    • The looping hits take a noticeably lower hitlag multiplier (1.5× → 0.8×), aslope a larger hitbox (5u → 6u), increasing their range and making them harder to escape from.
    • It can no longer exist frame canceled, with its landing lag not reduced enough to recoup. As a result, information technology has more landing lag relative to Smash iv if the landing striking connects, hindering its philharmonic potential.
    • The final striking has a smaller hitbox (half-dozen.2u → five.6u).

Grabs and Throws

  • Grabs:
    • All grabs have more than ending lag (FAF 28 → 34 (standing), 39 → 42 (dash), 33 → 37 (pin)), albeit they are still among the fastest in the game.
    • All grabs take less range (Z2 offset: x.2u → 9.4u (standing), 12.1u → 11u (dash), -17.9u → -fifteen.7u (pivot)).
    • Dash grab has slightly more startup lag (frame eight → 9).
  • Pummel:
    • Pummel deals less impairment (1.55% → 1%).
    • It has less startup (frame 9 → 1) and ending lag (FAF x → half-dozen), merely deals considerably more hitlag (4 frames → 11), increasing its effective duration.
  • Forrad throw:
    • Forward throw has Kirby jump slightly higher and further backwards at the end of the blitheness, able to reach the summit of Battleground'due south lower platform. The additional height weakens its combo potential at low percents, while the additional backwards distance prevents him from benefitting from the extra height at higher percents.
  • Dorsum throw:
    • Dorsum throw has Kirby jump immediately afterward releasing the opponent, as opposed to a few frames later, causing him to be much higher in the air afterwards the move ends. Additionally, Kirby lands a curt distance forrard relative to where the throw is initiated from, rather than in the same spot. This near completely removes the throw's followups at depression percents, and weakens its edgeguarding potential, equally it pushes Kirby away from edges.
    • It has an contradistinct animation where Kirby doesn't squish as much upon slamming the opponent to the basis.
  • Up throw:
    • Up throw has gained a collateral hitbox upon landing that deals 7%, similar to Meta Knight's up throw, increasing its effectiveness in battles with multiple opponents.
  • Downward throw:
    • Downwardly throw's first 9 hits deal more damage (0.8% → 1%, total: 10.2% → 12%).


  • Edge attack:
    • Border attack deals more damage (seven% → ix%).

Special Attacks

  • Stone now has a new class resembling a Sheikah treasure chest from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
    • Stone as well gains Super Armour upon start-up in the air(frames nineteen-28), deals more damage (65 base/70 scaling → 69/76), and he landing hitting launches at a college angle (0° → 25°) and has much more base of operations knockback (40 → 86), although with its knockback scaling partly compensated (40 → thirty), assuasive information technology to prepare edgeguards more finer, while also increasing its KO power.
    • That said, the aerial hitting can no longer combo into the landing hit, significantly decreasing its shield damage.
  • If Kirby copies an opponent, he will do a cursory pose, which references his games where he does the same.
    • Kirby cannot lose his Re-create Power by getting hit for 20 seconds later receiving information technology, assuasive him to go along information technology much more efficiently.
    • In fact rather than a 3.125% chance regardless of movement, the chance for Kirby to lose his Copy Ability by getting hit is equal to the damage % taken, thus increasing it for hits that deal more than 3.125% damage.
    • He also gains a 1.2x multiplier (which was only constitute via playing earlier existence mentioned in Pyra and Mythras' presentation.)
  • Kirby now can Inhale opponent projectiles to heal himself. He can at present as well spit them out as stars.
    • Equally a upshot, Kirby tin proceed certain projectiles, like a fully charged Charge Shot, inside his rima oris and so choose to spit them out as a star that deals damage or eat them to heal himself.
  • Inhale has less startup lag (frame fourteen → x), making it much easier to combo into. It also has a larger vortex hitbox (7u → eight.5u) with altered hitbox placements (Y kickoff: 7.5u → 7u, Z showtime: 13u → 15.5u), and an additional vortex hitbox, increasing its range.
    • Information technology also has less catastrophe lag when failing to inhale annihilation (FAF 73 → 64), and after copying an opponent (FAF 30 → 21), preventing the copied opponent from being able to hit Kirby before he can move.
    • The swallowing hitboxes are larger (four.2u/4.6u → v.3u/5.8u), increasing the safety of copying an opponent when others are nearby.
  • Kirby likewise dies afterward when performing a Kirbycide, though he notwithstanding dies first. This gives the opponent less fourth dimension to recover after Kirby is KO'd.
  • The altitude an opponent travels in a star scales with damage, allowing Kirby to KO spat opponents near edges more effectively at higher percents.
  • Inhale has a more opaque visual effect.
  • Hammer Flip:
    • Hammer launches at a lower angle when not fully charged (53° → 48° (grounded), 55° → l° (aerial)), slightly improving its KO potential.
    • The grounded version has intangibility (frames two-10) and more than super armor (frames 11-13 → xi-17) when fully charged.
    • The aerial version deals slightly more damage (15%-27% → 16%-28%) with no compensation on knockback.
    • The aerial version sends at a college angle when fully charged (45° → 50°), slightly reducing its KO potential despite its increased damage.
    • Kirby may use his uncharged or fully charged vocalization lines from Boom 4 when swinging an uncharged Hammer.
    • A fully charged Hammer triggers Special Zoom.
  • Final Cutter:
    • Concluding Cutter has less landing lag (34 frames → 30).
    • It tin snap to the ledge before (frame 36 → 33).
    • The rising hit has a longer elapsing (frames 23-24 → 23-26). The set knockback during the additional active frames is lower (117/102 → 60/50) to link into the falling striking too.
    • The landing hit no longer has set up knockback (120 set up/100 scaling → 85 base/95 scaling).
    • The falling hit has smaller hitboxes (6.5u → 6u (falling star), 6u → 5.5u (late)).
    • The falling hit's meteor smash portion has slightly less set knockback (100 → 96).
    • The projectile has a lower hitlag multiplier (1× → 0.vii×), although this is compensated by the universal increment to hitlag.
  • Stone:
    • Aerial Stone has super armor during startup (frames xix-28).
    • It deals more knockback while falling (65 base/70 scaling → 69/76).
    • The landing hit launches at a college angle (0° → 25°) and has much more than base knockback (40 → 86), although with its knockback scaling partly compensated (40 → 30), assuasive information technology to fix up edgeguards more finer, while likewise increasing its KO ability.
    • The aerial hit tin no longer combo into the landing hit, significantly decreasing its shield damage.
    • If Stone is hit with a reversing movement such as Cape, the transformation will visually spin around.
    • Stone can transform into a Treasure Chest institute in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's shrines.
    • If Kirby is metal when using Stone, the transformation will also be metal.
    • Kirby doesn't modify back to normal if he lands underwater.
  • Ultra Sword:
    • The concluding hit has less knockback scaling (100 → 95), hindering its KO potential.
    • It features a special background effect upon usage, in a like style to the use of Super Abilities in Kirby's Return to Dream State.


Ground Attacks


  • Neutral Set on: Kirby throws a jab, and then a second jab with the other hand, and finally unleashes a flurry of punches that end in a stronger ane.
  • Forward Tilt: Kirby does a side boot; can be angled upwards and down.
  • Upward Tilt: Kirby kicks in an upwards path behind himself, striking behind and above.
  • Down Tilt (Squish Kick): Kirby kicks low to the footing.
  • Nuance Assault (Burning): Kirby dashes forward in a fiery spinning headbutt.

Boom Attacks

  • Frontwards Boom: Kirby lunges forwards with a powerful boot.
  • Upwards Smash: Kirby does a backflip, kicking overhead.
  • Down Nail: Kirby performs a splits kick and spins effectually.

Other attacks

  • Floor Assail (Front):
  • Flooring Attack (Back):
  • Floor Attack (Trip):
  • Ledge Assault: Quickly climbs the ledge and kicks in front of him.

Aerial Attacks

  • Neutral aerial: Kirby spins around, limbs extended.
  • Forward aerial: Kirby kicks forwards three times.
  • Dorsum aerial: Kirby kicks backward with both of his anxiety.
  • Up aerial: Kirby kicks overhead.
  • Downward aerial: Kirby does a down drill kicking with multiple potential hits.

Grabs and Throws

  • Pummel: Kirby punches the opponent with his gratuitous hand.
  • Forward Throw: Based on Pile Commuter from Kirby'southward Suplex power. Kirby leaps upwards with the opponent, flips with them in the air, and so trunk slams them on the basis.
  • Back Throw: Based on German Suplex from Kirby's Suplex ability. Kirby backflips with the opponent, slamming them on the ground.
  • Upwards Throw: Based on Air Drop from Kirby'due south Ninja ability. Kirby leaps up off the pinnacle of the screen with the opponent and then comes dorsum downwards, slamming the opponent on the ground.
  • Downwards Throw: Based on Fury Stomp from Kirby's Suplex ability. Kirby lays the opponent on the ground then rapidly stomps on them multiple times, finishing with a body slam.

Special Moves

Kirby's Special Moves
SSB Melee Brawl SSBWU/3DS Ultimate
Standard Special Inhale
Side Special Hammer Hammer Flip
Upward Special Final Cutter
Downward Special Rock
Final Blast Cook Kirby Ultra Sword


  • Up Taunt: Raises a manus, throws out a star, and poses with a smile.
  • Downwards Taunt: Looks at the screen waving with both hands while saying "Hi!".
  • Side Taunt: Spins effectually and poses with a kick.

*Performing any taunt volition discard Kirby's electric current Re-create Ability if he has one.

On-Screen Appearance

  • Crashes to the ground on a warp star, spins in the air and lands successfully.

Idle Poses

  • He feels tired.
  • He looks to the other side.

Victory Poses

Kirby summons two copies of himself when he is lone in the victory screen, resembling the victory dances from his original games. The copies disappear at the end of the dance.

  • Jumps twice, walks back while waving his arms, spins and then finishes it with a pose.
  • Does a flip and faces away from the screen briefly, then jumps and flips towards the screen again, and holds his mitt up.
  • Performs two sliding walks, spins, does a slide kick and poses similar to his Brawl artwork.

In competitive play

Initially, Kirby was seen as a low tier character as mot of the factors that held him back in SSB4 are retained, although SSBU 'due south mechanics better suit the pinkish puffball. Very big flaws include being like shooting fish in a barrel to campsite, his poor range, slow air speed, besides equally platforms potentially negating all follow-ups should he start a combo with his forrad throw.

Patches 6.0.0 and 8.0.0 eventually gave Kirby some of his biggest improvements : Some of his aerial attack gained more than KO power and versatility, his ability to follow-upwards on platforms was partially restored, and he gained additional options for impale confirms. His results take noticeably improved equally well, with players such as Jesuischoq and Ferretkuma placing well at both regional and national levels, with the former even defeating Glutonny (The earth's all-time Wario. Because of these improvements, his perception has improved enough that he is often considered a mid-tier character. Some players have also recognized niche top-tier matchups Kirby can evade, thanks to his stiff close-quarters combat game and crouch, notably Palutena and Play tricks.

Classic Mode: Gourmet Disharmonism

Kirby's opponents are characters who, like Kirby, are known for their big appetites. For each battle, Kirby and his opponent each spawn with 35% impairment and several food items appear on the stage as the match begins.

In Spirit Battles

As the Main Opponent

  • Boo
  • Bob-omb (x3)
  • King Bob-omb (Giant)
  • Piantas (x8)
  • Luma (x4)
  • Lubba (Giant)
  • Viruses (x3)
  • Ten Parasite (x3)
  • Star Rod (x4)
  • Robobot Armor (Metal; x4)
  • Dragoon
  • Gooey
  • Whispy Woods (x5)
  • Nightmare's Power Orb (Behemothic)
  • Waddle Dee (x4)
  • Waddle Doo (x3)
  • Scarfy (x4)
  • Rocky (Metal)
  • Bomber
  • Prince Fluff
  • Dugtrio (x3)
  • Geodude (x4)
  • Ditto
  • Marill
  • Diancie (Reflect; x2)
  • Pyukumuku (x4)
  • Nihilego (x3)
  • Wrys
  • White Pikmin
  • Rock Pikmin
  • Ghosts
  • Unira (x4)
  • Hakkun
  • Tomatrio (x3)
  • Mattel
  • Magkid (x4)
  • Qbby (x4)

As a Minion

  • Shine Sprite (x3)
  • Hungry Luma
  • Geno
  • Rick
  • Kine
  • Coo
  • Brawl
  • Viridi
  • Fighting Blend Team (x4)
  • Devil (x2)
  • Munchy Monk (Tiny; x3)
  • Dr. Lobe (x3)
  • Clip & Snip
  • River Survival

Function in World of Low-cal

Kirby was amongst the fighters summoned to the cliffside to assist in defeating an army of Principal Hands.

Afterward Galeem captivated all of the Chief Easily during the opening cutscene, he began to unleash beams of light that vaporized all of the fighters and later imprisoned all of them. Kirby was the sole survivor later escaping on his Warp Star, barely warping abroad from the beams before they could engulf him. Despite being the sole survivor, Kirby is still seen as a puppet in a few areas of the mode. It was subsequently explained that Galeem had analyzed Kirby at some point during the story and was able to make boob fighters in his image without needing Kirby himself.

Kirby crash-lands in a coulee area, and begins his quest to salve the other fighters as the initial starting protagonist.

He is later seen alongside several other fighters, as they make their concluding stand against Galeem and Dharkon.

Palette Swaps

1000px-Kirby Palette (SSBU).png



  • Kirby, R.O.B., Meta Knight, Sonic, and Steve (as Zombie and Enderman) are the simply characters who's stick icons accept eyes.
    • Kirby's may be due to his icon resembling a simplistic pink circle with nothing special without the eyes,
    • Past technicality, Bowser Jr.(every bit Larry) and Captain Falcon would autumn into the the same category, but Larry's irises are missing and the "eyes" on Capatian Falcon's are those on his visor, non his actual eyes.
  • Much like in SSB, Kirby'due south return resembles his artwork for Kirby Super Star(Fun Pak in PAL regions).
    • This render was too used as the footing of the official art for Kirby Fighters 2 's Wrestler ability, with the improver of the mask and a aroused expression. Said power, coincidentally, also draws on several of Incineroar'due south moves from Ultimate.
  • Kirby is the only characters from his serial to keep his Final Smash from Smash 4 to Ultimate.
  • Every bit part of the starting roster for both the game and World of Light, Kirby is never needed to exist unlocked in Ultimate, and by extension the whole series.
    • It is impossible to encounter the bulletin "Kirby joins the battle!" as modifyng the game to say then (past making Kirby's Fighter Spirit rematchable) will not brandish Kirby's name on the banner.
    • Ironically enough, Kirby isn't seen in advertising equally much as other Starter characters, such as Mario and Link.
  • Due his copy ability, Kirby has the about :
    • voice clips in the game at 95(121 with all DLC).
    • unique character models at 81, 648 including alternate costumes,
  • Kirby is the merely starter grapheme whose unlock cavalcade lacks the other playable fighters of his series(Meta Knight is in Link's, King Dedede is in Donkey Kong's).
  • Kirby is the only character permitted to taunt exterior of Battle Arenas, though merely to discard his current ability .
  • Kirby's aforementioned evasion of capture by Galeem(and later Dharkon) makes him one of the few characters the latter 2 don't summon as false clones.
    • However, Kirby appears in the most spirit battles at sixty. Mr. Sakurai explains this may be due how Galeem was able to analyze him halfway through Kirby's take chances in World of Low-cal.
  • Kirby, Link, King Dedede, Ryu and Mega Man are the but characters who's boxing ring alias inverse from the transition from Smash 4 to Ultimate.
    • Kirby's was changed from The Pinkish Puffball to the Pink Demon.

External links


06 Kirby – Super Blast Bros. Ultimate

KirbySymbol.svg Kirby universe
Characters Kirby (64  · Melee  · Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate )
Meta Knight (Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Male monarch Dedede (Brawl  · 3DS/Wii U  · Ultimate)
Side Characters Boss Marx
Assist Trophies Knuckle Joe  · Nightmare  · Chef Kawasaki
Mii Fighter Costumes Meta Knight  · Marx
Background characters Rex Dedede
Stage Hazards Whispy Woods
Enemies Bonkers  · Bronto Burt  · Gordo  · Parasol Waddle Dee  · Plasma Wisp  · Shotzo  · Tac  · Waddle Dee  · Waddle Doo
Stages Dream Country  · Fountain of Dreams  · Dark-green Greens  · Halberd  · Dream State GB  · The Keen Cave Offensive
Items Bomber  · Dragoon  · Maxim Tomato  · Parasol  · Star Rod  · Superspicy Back-scratch  · Warp Star
Music List List of Music (Kirby serial)
Song "Gourmet Race"
Collectibles Trophies Melee Trophies  · Ball Trophies  · 3DS Trophies  · Wii U Trophies
Stickers List of Stickers (Kirby serial)
Spirits List of spirits (Kirby series)
Masterpieces Kirby's Dream Land  · Kirby's Take a chance  · Kirby Super Star


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